
Simple yet Modern Ideas for your Kids’ Bedroom Design

You might think that there’s no bigger challenge than decorating your home, but wait until the time comes for you to decorate your kids’ bedrooms. You wouldn’t believe how challenging that is! Of course, as they get older, they want to participate and share their ideas, but not all of those ideas are applicable and suitable. They want to be grown-ups so much, they’re missing the chance to be children. This is why we’re bringing you a few simple yet wonderful ideas that will help you decorate your children’s bedroom and keep both sides happy.

Make it colourful

Children love colours, and if you ask them what their favourite one is, they will often say more than one or change their mind within a week. If you know what your kid’s favourite colour is, you might want to make the room appear brighter and more inviting by adding some colourful details. Colourful rugs and matching curtains are a great way to coordinate your colours, but you can also add some matching throw pillows made of the same material you used for the curtains. Next, the big boxes for storing your children’s toys can be bright red and soft green, and you can also take it a step further and get your kids a small lamp in the shape of a robot, doll, or their favourite animal.

Hidden storage

We all know how difficult it is to maintain order in the kids’ room. They love playing but they usually forget to clean up. This makes the room appear smaller than it really is. With that in mind, there are always some easy storage-related ideas that will help you make their room neat. Get them a hanging bedside organiser where they can keep their toys and books, add small wheels to their toy boxes to make them easier to move around, and hang a swing from the ceiling so you can use it to keep all their stuffed toys in order.

Creative corner

Is there a kid who doesn’t like to draw? They are in love with crayons, watercolours, gel pens, and markers, but all of these usually make a huge mess that can be quite difficult to clean up, so why not give your child a corner where they can be creative and not worry about making a mess? Paint a part of your wall with plain old chalkboard paint and transform it into a huge chalkboard they can draw and write on. Give them colourful chalks and allow them to express themselves in any way they want, and when they’re done, just wipe it off with a wet sponge.

Place for unleashing imagination

Yes, their bedroom is their own space, but that’s where they sleep, study, do their homework, and play video games. Do you remember the lovely times when you would play with a rocking horse? Today it’s all about the iPods, Game Boys, and Play Stations, with rocking horses packed away and forgotten. Kids love simplicity and they have a wonderful imagination, but they need a place where they can express it freely. Create a small nook where your kid will be able to show their creativity and have fun in their own way. Buy your kid their own kids teepee – it’s small, easy to assemble, convenient, and it will give your child a bit of privacy that will encourage them to daydream and unleash their imagination.

Every now and then, it’s good to give your child’s bedroom a small makeover. We all change, but none of our changes are as fast or as dramatic as the ones of our children, so it’s good to decorate and renovate in such way that the children themselves can make small changes when they feel like it. Give them a chance to be children and encourage them to express their uniqueness and creativity.

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